我曾申請過印尼MUI清真認證,我還需要申請印尼官方BPJPH清真認證嗎?兩者的差異在? I have applied for the Indonesian MUI Halal certification, do I still need to apply for the Indonesian official BPJPH Halal certification? What is the difference between the two?

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印尼的清真認證過去是透過民間具公信力之宗教協會MUI (Majelis Ulama Indonesia,印尼伊斯蘭宗教學者理事會)所管理,然自2014年印尼政府公布《清真產品認證法》Law No. 33後,印尼政府將成立官方清真認證局BPJPH(Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency),並於2019年10月17日正式將清真認證事宜收歸政府管理。在過渡的2014到2019年期間,印尼MUI依然可以發證,其證書效期依然為兩年,直到證書過期。但是從2019年10月17日開始,印尼MUI將失去發證資格,轉由印尼清真認證局BPJPH進行發證。


In the past, halal certification in Indonesia was managed by MUI (Majelis Ulama Indonesia, Indonesian Islamic Religious Scholars Council), a credible religious association. However, since the Indonesian government promulgated Law No. 33 of the "Halal Product Certification Law" in 2014, the Indonesian government has The official halal certification bureau BPJPH (Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency) will be established, and on October 17, 2019, the halal certification will be officially brought under government management. During the transitional period from 2014 to 2019, the Indonesian MUI can still issue certificates, and its certificate is still valid for two years until the certificate expires. However, starting from October 17, 2019, the Indonesian MUI will lose the certification qualification and will be transferred to the Indonesian Halal Certification Bureau BPJPH for certification.

At present, the Indonesian MUI halal certification has been unable to issue certification, and its organization has been incorporated into the system of the halal certification bureau BPJPH, providing professional Islamic academic sharia insights and assisting BPJPH in reviewing halal products. Therefore, if you want to enter the Indonesian halal market, the only thing that can be used in the market is the official certificate issued by the Indonesian Halal Certification Bureau BPJPH.
