什麼是清真食品? What is halal food?

james's picture

伊斯蘭教不僅僅是一種宗教信仰,更是穆斯林的生活指南,伊斯蘭教的經典《古蘭經》不僅僅闡述伊斯蘭教的宗教思想,更規範了信徒的言行舉止與食衣住行。就食品而言,符合伊斯蘭教法上許可的食品,稱為Halal,又稱為「清真」,代表伊斯蘭教法認可是「合法」的食品。相反地,Haram 為「非清真」,是教法視為「非法」或「禁止」的食品,以下分別列點說明:

1. 在伊斯蘭教信仰中,來自大海的生物是純淨而衛生的,因此水棲性生物皆為合法可食用的,除了兩棲類等等。

2. 陸棲性動物除了以下提及的

3. 祭祀過的食品是不可食用的。

4. 血液因為被視為不潔,所以是不可食用的。任何使用動物血液加工的食品,例如豬血、豬血糕、鴨血等均是非法禁止的食品。


Islam is not only a religious belief, but also a guide for the life of Muslims. The Islamic classic "The Qur'an" not only expounds the religious thought of Islam, but also regulates the words, deeds, food, clothing, housing and behavior of believers. As far as food is concerned, food that is approved by Islamic law is called halal, also known as "halal", which represents food that is recognized by Islamic law as "legal". Haram, on the other hand, is "non-halal" and is considered "illegal" or "prohibited" by Shariah, as listed below:

1. In Islamic belief, creatures from the sea are pure and hygienic, so all aquatic creatures are legally edible, except for amphibians and so on.

2. Terrestrial animals other than those mentioned below

3. Food that has been sacrificed is not edible.

4. Blood is not edible because it is considered unclean. Any food processed with animal blood, such as pig blood, pig blood cake, duck blood, etc., is illegally prohibited food.

