Halal Market Information

As the second largest religion in the world, Islam has a large population and unlimited market potential. The current global Muslim population is estimated to reach 1.97 billion by 2020, accounting for 25 percent of the world's total population. Moreover, as Islam pursues natural fertility and does not allow birth control, it is estimated that the demographic dividend of Muslims will grow rapidly in the next 10 years, and the population will reach 2.2 billion by 2030, making it the largest. religion in the world. Seeing this, the halal certification business opportunity is worth waiting for.

The distribution of the Muslim population in the world today is:

1. Asia Pacific 62.1% (about 1 billion people)
2. Middle East and North Africa 19.9% ​​(about 320 million people)
3. Sub-Saharan Africa 15% (about 250 million people)
4. Europe 2.7% (about 45 million people)
5. America 0.3% (about 5.26 million)

Surprisingly, the Muslim population is mainly concentrated in the Asia-Pacific region, which is very different from the Middle East as it was commonly known in the past. This is because Asia-Pacific countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan all have large Muslim populations, of whom Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in Southeast Asia.

Indonesia has a population of about 200 million people, spread over the long islands of which 80% of them are Muslim, and the market potential is unlimited. Neighboring Malaysia is a multi-religious country, of which 60% are Muslim, with around 20 million people, and business opportunities are also quite active. Currently, thanks to the blessing of the government's "New Southbound Policy", they are increasingly motivated to enter the halal market in Indonesia and Malaysia. Taiwanese producers should take advantage of the opportunity to implement Indonesia and Malaysia's official halal certification as a springboard to open up the southern market!
